Current events: Aboriginal leaders want referendum delayed

18 October 2018 (yes it is two weeks old, I am playing catch-up)


Key points:

  • Aboriginal leaders support constitutional recognition, urge politicians to drive public support
  • The group said the vote would be guaranteed to fail without generating more support among Australians
  • The comments have disappointed some Indigenous Australians who endorsed the Uluru Statement in May

If you are paying attention, you will notice things that are falling into place at the moment. There’s been more op-eds being churned out, a week of action announced and a new branded social media campaign to build interest. And they are all related to the upcoming release of the final report of the Joint Parliamentary Select Committee report due on 29 November. This Committee has been running since March.

The support for the Yulara Statement amongst the Australian public is not doing well. Someone is paying for the Voice Treaty Truth campaign, and whoever that is would be conducting regular polling to measure campaign effectiveness. To do otherwise would be foolish in this day and age. So far, they have only released a handful of polling results to the public, the best polling at about 60%. To run a successful campaign, you have to present an air of confidence and success, so you don’t want to release all the bad polling.  Meanwhile, various politicians and insiders make public statements to the lines of  “It will fail for sure”. They are saying this not because they don’t support the measures, but because they have seen the unreleased polling – and it is not strong enough for them to volunteer to be the first to stick their neck out to say “it’s referendum time”.

Since the conference at Yulara, the flame has been carried by the low-key Voice Treaty Truth campaign, but they clearly need help. The low-key, “grassroots” approach is not working – they need a funding injection.

Cue the “Aboriginal leaders”, who are now pleading with the Government-run Joint Select Committee to say “We are not ready, there is no support!”. And of course, the Committee will swoop in to save the day when they release their report later in November, with the pleas from the “leaders” still fresh in everyones mind. Predictably the report will come with a recommendation along the lines of “The committee recommends the Government injects funding into publicising the proposals, as public awareness is low”. Boom – government has just engineered giving itself the green light to drop another few million flogging their re-branded “Recognise”.

Make no mistake – this is purely a Government driven agenda. They support it 100%, but they need a referendum to get the job done. The last piece of the puzzle is to get the Australian public to support it.

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