What is the ‘Voice to Parliament’?

The voice to Parliament, quite simply, is voting rights.

Let’s break it down.

  1. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are politically ‘seperate and distinct’ from “Australia”. This is affirmed in UN General Assembly Resolution 2625, as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are under colonial occupation, and have not yet excercised their right to self-determination in accordance with General Assembly Resolution 1514.
  2. Australia is a Federation of Colonies which was enacted by the Imperial parliament in England. It was done in the authority of the English Crown with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal in England. In otherwords, Australia is a political construct enacted by the English Crown and with the OK from English land-owners and the Church of England.
  3. The Crown of England, and House of Lords of England have no juristiction over the territory known as Australia. Geographical Australia is not part of the English created political construct known as Australia, but it is territory that is under occupation by that political construct. Always was, always will be Aboriginal Land.
  4. The Parliament of Australia, as a democratic Parliament, represents the Australian polity. The people of the English Crown jurisdiction who operate under the English occupier law.
  5. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, as a collective, never agreed to become part of the Australian polity.
  6. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people do not fall under the authority of the Church of England, English landowners or the English Crown.
  7. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, as a collective, are not a sub-set of the Australian polity.
  8. As such, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people do not have the right to representations to the Australian Parliament.
  9. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people vote at the discretion of the States. This is in the Constitution Act, and can also be deduced from what changes happened after the 1967 referendum.
  10. The Voice to Parliament is a request from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people for the right to make representations to the Australian Parliament.
  11. The form and structure of the Voice to Parliament is to be determined by Parliament.
  12. The form and structure of any voice to Parliament is already long well established in Australia and in other democracies around the world. It is usually one person, one vote.

Think about it guys…. The Voice to Parliament – in the long run – is not going to be a seperate Aboriginal-only body, with Aboriginal-only seats, to be voted on only by Aboriginal people.


We will be selling out our right to decolonise under our own terms for the right to vote.

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