Third Chamber – revisited… And welcome to my new visitors

Lately there has been some people sharing my blog on Facebook, and I’ve been getting a lot of views. I just want to say thanks for sharing this information. I want to write more and post more videos, and getting feedback is encouraging.

If you haven’t seen it already – I posted a video a month ago – Link:

If you don’t feel like watching it – this post is briefly what it’s about. This video examines Malcolm Turnbull’s claim that the voice will be a Third Chamber of Parliament. But Turnbull never actually said the Voice IS a Third Chamber, he said

It would inevitably become seen as a third chamber of Parliament”.

In other words – it’s going to look like a third chamber. The “third chamber” is a historical reference to the Indian Chamber of Princes, which was a true third chamber of the Indian Parliament. This Indian Chamber of Princes is – as far as I know – is the only third chamber in history. And once the Indigenous Voice is enshrined, it will look very similar to this Indian Chamber of Princes. And what happened to the Chamber of Princes? It didn’t last. That’s what Turnbull was warning about – because I think – part of “free, prior and informed consent”, someones gotta tell us the cons. They just stage-manage the information release, and get people like Turnbull, Abbott, Pauline Hanson et al. to deliver us the cons so we are primed not to take notice.

This misunderstanding is also the root of stage-managed “confusion” happening right now in regards to Ken Wyatt and his supposed rejection of the Voice. Ken Wyatt has not rejected anything, he said;

the question we put to the Australian people will not result in what some desire, and that is a enshrined voice to the Parliament”

Now that could mean one of two things.

One – he is changing the proposal by leaving out the Voice. This is not possible though – because the Yulara Statement offer is non-negotiable. So under basic contract law, the offer cannot be diminished or watered down.

Two – the proposal sucks. Yes, it does… and this is fully aligned with what Turnbull said. The proposal is going to end in tears. Wyatt is right – it will not result in an assembly as some desire.

Of course the media is feeding us with option 1, because they want you to think that the government doesn’t really want these reforms happening. This is because they don’t want a repeat of 1999 – government don’t want to seem too keen. It’s a bluff. They are bluffing so hard, that Ken Wyatt and Noel Pearson BOTH didn’t show up to a scheduled Q&A appearance shortly after Ken Wyatt said the above quote at the Vincent Lingiari Memorial Lecture. I guess if they turned up, they would have been backed into a corner, and would have to clarify. No – the strategy was to let the media run with disinformation to brainwash us all. No clarification needed.

The Referendum Council report just asks for a “Voice”. Not an assembly, chamber, senate, black parliament… but a “Voice” or a body – that is the actual terminology used in the report. The Referendum Council have left a gaping hole that the government can proceed to drive a truck through, because what they have asked for is consistent with normal voting rights. So keeping in mind that as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples – as non-citizens we don’t yet have voting rights. We are allowed to vote, but that is not the same as having the right to vote. So further down the line – the Voice could will mean – the right to vote as fully assimilated Australians. This is the benefit that we will get from this Treaty – because in a Treaty such as this there has to be an exchange of benefit for it to be legit. Beads and trinkets are needed. Be warned – it is a true Treaty.

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