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- Announcement: Migration of Blog
- Part 2 Youtube video: James Cook The Endeavour Voyage REAL secret mission. Navigation
- New Youtube video: James Cook The Endeavour Voyage REAL secret mission
- Referendum: Boycott vs. Voting No
- What is the ‘Voice to Parliament’?
- 141st Meridian East
- Response to Jack Latimore’s article pt1.
- The Dalrymple/Vaugondy chart of Papua
- Alexander Dalrymple’s influence on Cook’s first voyage instructions
- Did Torres land on Cape York?
- So I decided to write a book…
- What did Alexander Darlymple know about the Torres Strait?
- Botany Bay: First Fleet stealth relocation tactic
- James Cook First Voyage: Geopolitical background (podcast)
- Cook’s miscalculation? Place names and some more thoughts pt. 2
- Cook’s miscalculation? Some more thoughts
- Kook Kardashian: Cook’s miscalculation in New Zealand
- James Cook’s Voyage (Google Maps)
- The annexation of Papua (with background)
- Dutch claim over New Holland and geographical contiguity
- Referendum Council Final Report: Dissecting the Legal Advice regarding sovereignty
- Tasmania and the Belgic Lion
- How to get Sovereignty recognised in 3 steps
- Adam, Eve and the Neolithic Revolution
- Royal Titles for 1953 Coronation,Transcription error in Australia
- What is New South Wales?
- The Uluru Statement: Birds-eye-view
- Kartinyeri v Commonwealth
- The Foundation of Australia: As an onion
- What is “substantive constitutional change”?
- Colonial claims: The Murray Darling Catchment and the Orange Line
- Two kinds of “Protection”
- Jurisdiction of anti-Slavery Acts
- Was the UN Friendly Relations Declaration the trigger for the Royal Styles and Titles Act 1973?
- Queensland Constitution: already re-enacted?
- The Australia Acts and the two Crowns
- The Uluru Statement from the Heart consultation process: an International perspective (podcast)
- The religious discrimination bill is about – usurping Aboriginal sovereignty
- Hobbes, The Commonwealth of Australia and the Commonwealth of Nations
- Uluru Statement dialogues vs. Act of Free Choice
- Podcast Launch: Thinking Sovereignty
- Fiduciary duty and First Discovery
- Audio-only preview – Reception of Law: The Doctrines of Discovery in Australia
- Privy Council never said Australia was ‘settled’
- Timelines: acquisition of territory from the 1824 treaty
- Acquisition of sovereignty by settlement
- New Video: Frontier – The Doctrines of Discovery in Australia
- Was Van Diemen’s Land ceded?
- The Bass and Flinders expeditions 1797- 1799
- The Uluru Statement Explained
- Someone lied. Furneaux’s fabrications
- Cook’s misplacement of Point Hicks
- New Video: The Doctrines of Discovery in Australia
- Deletion of “Heirs and successors”
- Reserved seats, response to: “Truth Telling and Treaty Circle”
- The Invention of Australia (Part 5: Darlymple)
- “Constitutionally enshrined”: is not necessarily in the written constitution.
- Reserved Seats in Parliament
- The Invention of Australia (Part 4: Matthew Flinders)
- The Invention of Australia (Part 3: Port Curtis and the Cardinal)
- The Invention of Australia (Part 2: A timeline)
- The Invention of Australia (Part 1)
- The Third Chamber: Turnbull was right
- The Lawyers are the Problem.
- Western Australia is special
- 1999 Referendum not legally sound?
- The Anglo-Dutch Treaty of 1824
- Useful idiots
- The Crown right of pre-emption and Mabo 2
- Aboriginal means ‘not original’ (nah…)
- Bruce Pascoe – they built him up, just to tear him down
- Who is Australia’s Head of State?
- Voice Referendum: not a standard Constitution Act modification
- “Sovereignty is a spiritual notion” – Catholic influence in the Uluru Statement
- The logic of Native Title
- Uluru Statement: A “Take it or leave it” proposition?
- Constitutional Recognition – What does it mean?
- non est factum: Tricks and Treaties
- “Constitutional recognition does not foreclose on Aboriginal Sovereignty”
- As sovereigns, why don’t WE make a Bill of Rights
- Native Title amendments and the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties
- The Pratt-Yorke opinion (background and the relevance to the recent Native Title amendments)
- Self-determination Roadmap (revised)
- An Australian Declaration of Autochthony
- Uluru Statement walkout: controlled opposition?
- Reason behind the 1967 referendum
- Indigenous peoples are second-rate peoples
- Merits of an Aboriginal petition to C24
- National Anthem change: “Young” to “One”
- Modern Treaties vs Historical Treaties
- Voice to Parliament would be useless against racist legislation
- 90’s Reconciliation and UN Resolution 1514
- The 1967 Referendum and the UN Declaration on Colonialism
- The Blue Water Thesis: Application in Australia
- Uti possidetis juris: Why we need to stand together
- 8 Questions about the Uluru Statement
- Mabo and the real Terra Nullius myth
- 1999 Referendum: Why
- The Shield and the Sword: Why The Constitution will stay racist.
- The 1967 Referendum: an alternative perspective